Schreder & Brandt is currently seeking qualified DBE sub-contractors and/or suppliers for:
Project: Pioneer Trail/ U.S. Highway 50 Intersection Safety Improvement Project
Agency: County of El Dorado, Dept. of Transportation | Contract No. 7614 / CIP No. 36104026
Project Location: Along U.S. Highway 50/ State Route 89 at the Pioneer Trail intersection in the community of Meyers, in South Lake Tahoe, in eastern El Dorado County.
Bid Date: January 16, 2025, at 2:00 PM
Plans & Specs: https://www.eldoradocounty.ca.gov/County-Government/Procurement-and-Contracts/Transportation-Bids
DBE Goal: 21%
Please submit bids by email to bid@schrederandbrandt.com or fax at (530)899‐2683.
Quotes for Services and Supplies requested for the following items for bid including, but not limited to:
Lead Compliance Plan, Excavation Safety, Construction Area Signs, Traffic Control System, Plastic Traffic Drums, Portable Changeable Message Sign, Temporary Radar Speed Feedback Sign System, Temporary Railing (Type K), Automated Flagger Assistance Device Day, Alternative Temporary Crash Cushion, Job Site Management, Prepare Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan, Move-In/Move-Out (Temporary Erosion Control), Temporary Drainage Inlet Protection, Temporary Fiber Roll, Temporary Reinforced Silt Fence, Temporary Construction Entrance, Street Sweeping, Temporary Concrete Washout, Temporary High-Visibility Fence, Clearing And Grubbing, Tree Removal, Roadway Excavation, Sediment Basin, Ditch Excavation, Imported Borrow, Plant Establishment Work, Wood Mulch, Log, Boulder (Type A), Boulder (Type B), Move-In/Move-Out (Erosion Control), Dry Seed, Rolled Erosion Control, Hydroseed, Compost, Incorporate Materials, Class 2 Aggregate Base, Hot Mix Asphalt (Type A), Cold Plane Asphalt, Concrete Pavement, Remove Base And Surfacing, Reinforced Concrete Pavement, 48" Precast Concrete Pipe, Manhole, Structural Concrete, Drainage Inlet, Bar Reinforcing Steel (Epoxy Coated), Concrete Backfill, 18" Reinforced Concrete Pipe, 36" Reinforced Concrete Pipe, 36" Corrugated Steel Pipe, Drainage Inlet, 18" Concrete Flared End, Remove Inlet, Remove Flared End Section, Rock Slope Protection, Rock Slope Protection Fabric (Class 8), Detectable Warning surface, Minor Concrete, Remove Concrete, Miscellaneous Iron And steel, Obliterate Surfacing, Snow Pole Marker, Remove Roadside Sign, Remove Roadside Sign Panel, Reset Roadside Sign, Furnish Single Sheet Aluminum Sign, Furnish Single Sheet Aluminum Sign Retroreflective, Retroreflective Sheeting, Roadside Sign, Install Sign, Methyl Methacrylate Traffic Stripe, Methyl Methacrylate Pavement Marking, 6" Methyl Methacrylate Traffic Stripe (Recessed), 8" Methyl Methacrylate Traffic Stripe (Recessed), 12" Methyl Methacrylate Traffic Stripe (Recessed), Methyl Methacrylate Pavement Marking, Maintaining Existing Traffic Management System Elements During Construction, Traffic Monitoring Station System, Camera Systems, Temporary Lighting System, Modifying Lighting Systems, Mobilization
Schreder & Brandt is an Equal Opportunity Employer. We will assist with obtaining bonding, lines of credit, and insurance. The US Small Business Administration may assist you in obtaining bonding ‐ please visit: http://www.sba.gov/content/contractors# for additional information, the local Small Business Development Center Network ( www.californiasbdc.org ) and/or the Minority Business Development Center ( www.mbda.gov). Subcontractors must possess a current contractor’s license, insurance, workers compensation and be registered with a current DIR number. Please let Schreder & Brandt know if you plan to bid on this project by emailing bid@schrederandbrandt.com or by completing and returning the attached response form
Thank You,
Schreder & Brandt
P.O. Box 6310, Chico , CA 95927
Phone: 530-899-1104 / Fax : 530-899-2683