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Minority Business Development Agency

Advertisement date February 18, 2025 @ 4:13 p.m. through bid opening date

Balfour Beatty Rail an Equal Opportunity Employer, is requesting sub-bids from all qualified subcontractors and suppliers, including certified DBE firms performing a commercially useful function, for the following project.

Project Name: Metrolink Track Rehabilitation Services
Agency: Metrolink / SCRRA | Project No.:  JO142-25
Project Location: Various Counties, CA
DBE Goal: 13.38%
Bids open March 5, 2025, at 2:00PM (PT)

Estimator: Tino Mendoza  
Phone Number: 562-204-7408
Fax: (909) 392-0478

Plans & Specs are available for review at our office or at https://metrolinktrains.com/doing-business

Quotes for Services and Supplies requested for the following items for bid including, but not limited to:  Trackwork Material Supply, Railroad Track Ballast Supply, Asphalt Concrete Supply, Sub ballast Supply, Crushed-Aggregate-Base (Cab) Supply, Field Thermite Weld Testing , Trucking / Off-Haul & Disposal– Demolished Ballast/Asphalt/Sub ballast, Trucking / Off-Haul & Disposal– Demolished Wood Ties / Treated Wood Waste, Traffic Control Services – For Highway Vehicular Railroad Crossing Rehabilitation Work (Min 50’, Max 130’) – Qty To Be Determined, Traffic Control Services – For Pedestrian Railroad Crossing Rehabilitation Work (Min 10’, Max 20’) – Qty To Be Determined, Roadway Striping Work – For Pedestrian & Highway Grade Crossing Rehabilitation – Qty To Be Determined, Asphalt Paving – Minor Asphalt (Sidewalk, Curb/Gutter, Driveway, Slope Protection, Pipe And Conduit Encasements, V-Ditch, Asphalt Swale, Etc. – 800 Tons, Asphalt Paving – Railroad Crossing Approaches/Ramps & Interfaces To Crossing Panels, Right-Of-Way Grading – Grading On Railroad Right-Of-Way To Ensure Positive Drainage Away From Track Structure – 1200 Cy, Right-Of-Way Fencing – Remove & Reinstall Chain-Link Fence, Remove And Reinstall Tubular Fence Including Cutting And Welding Of Existing Fence, Minor Concrete – Sidewalk, Curb/Gutter, Driveway, Slope Protection, Pipe And Conduit Encasements, V-Ditch, Concrete Swale, Etc. – Including Forming, Finishing, Curing And Clean Up – 10 Cy, Construction Equipment Rentals, Construction Equipment Hauling

Tino Mendoza is the Estimator for this project and is available to provide you with assistance to clarify any questions regarding the scope of work, including interpretation of plans, specifications, and requirements, bid preparation and obtaining bonds, lines of credit, insurance and any technical assistance. Please call if you need assistance with: bonding, lines of credit, insurance, obtaining necessary equipment, supplies, materials, or any related services. Balfour Beatty Infrastructure, Inc.is willing to breakdown items into economical feasible packages. Include with your bid the Time required for Performance of your work and any Delivery Schedules so that we can establish a Flexible Timeframe for your work to help encourage and facilitate participation. Balfour Beatty Infrastructure, Inc. Intends to work cooperatively with all qualified firms seeking work on this project. Bids/proposals from small businesses, minority-owned, disabled, veteran-owned businesses, women- owned businesses are strongly encouraged. Balfour Beatty Infrastructure encourages larger contracts to subcontract with smaller DBE and encourages contracting with a group of DBE when the contract is too large for one firm. Please provide your contractor's license #, and DIR with your quote.

Balfour Beatty Rail
License No. : 664318
640 East Arrow Highway
La Verne, CA  91750-5101

Published by Contractor’s Estimate, Inc.
Located at http://www.contractorsestimate.com

This advertisement will run through the bid date.


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