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Advertisement date October 31, 2024 @ 8:00 a.m. through bid opening date

An Equal Opportunity Employer

Specialty Construction, Inc. Requests Sub-bids from All Qualified & Certified DBE Subcontractors/Suppliers for:
Agency:  Kern County Public Works Dept. | Contract No. 24018
Project: CSA-71 New Sewer Segment Trunk Lines on Brimhall Road, Renfro Road, & Rudd Avenue
Bid Date: November 20, 2024 at 11:00 AM (PDT)
Engineers Estimate: $6,398,296.00
DBE Goal: 0%

Plans and Specs are available at the following link: 24-036 - CSA-71 New Sewer Seg Trunk Lines Brimhall Rd, Renfro Rd & Rudd Ave, Kern Co

General work description:  The construction of new sewer segment trunk lines on Brimhall Road, Renfro Road and Rudd Avenue. A new sewer lift station, per City of Bakersfield standards, and associated grading will be constructed, including a force main. A temporary access road will be constructed from Renfro Road to the lift station site. Ancillary improvements include pothole repairs on Renfro Road and striping replacement on Brimhall Road

Quotes for Services and Supplies requested for the following items for bid including, but not limited to:  Develop Water Supply, Temporary Traffic Control, Prepare Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan, Clearing And Grubbing, Roadway Excavation, Trench Safety, Finishing Roadway, Recycled Asphalt Base (3/4” Gradation), Class 2 Aggregate Base, Pothole Repair, Trench Paving (HMA Type A), Remove Asphalt Concrete Pavement, Cold Plane Asphalt Concrete Pavement, 8’ Reinforced Concrete Block Wall, 48” Precast Concrete Pipe Manhole, Minor Concrete (Driveway), Sewer Lift Station, 12” PVC Sewer Force Main, 4” PVC Water Main, 12” PVC Water Main, 8” PVC Sewer Line, 12” PVC Sewer Trunk Line, 15” PVC Sewer Trunk Line, 18” PVC Sewer Trunk Line, 8’ Chain Link Gate (18’), Thermoplastic Traffic Stripe, Thermoplastic Pavement Marking, Remove Painted Traffic Stripe, Mobilization

Specialty Construction is willing to break down quotes into comparable packages as reasonably necessary. SCI will work with interested DBE/MBE/WBE/SBE/SBRA/LSAF/HUB/MBE/WBE/SBE/SBRA/LSAF/HUB firms to identify opportunities to break down items into economically feasible packages. Subcontractor/Supplier Requirements: In most cases subcontracts in excess of $50,000 may require 100% performance and payment bonds for the full amount of subcontract price. SCI will pay for bond premiums up to 2%. Subcontractors must be registered with the Department of Industrial Regulations (DIR), possess a current contractor’s license, insurance and worker’s compensation coverage meeting SCI and Owner’s requirements. Subcontractors will also be required to sign the standard SCI Subcontract Agreement or Purchase Order as appropriate. For copies of the insurance requirements, Subcontract Agreement or Purchase Order, please contact Sheri Shamblin. Include with your bid the Time required for Performance of your work and any Delivery Schedules so that we can establish a Flexible Timeframe for your work, however, contract time availability is dictated by the Contract Documents

Specialty Construction, Inc.     
License No. 619361
645 Clarion Ct., San Luis Obispo, CA 93401
Phone: 805-543-1706 Fax: 805-543-1722

Tom Seidel: tseidel@specialtyconstruction.com
Sheri Shamblin: Shamblin@specialtyconstruction.com

Published by Contractor’s Estimate, Inc.
Located at http://www.contractorsestimate.com

This advertisement will run through the bid date.


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