Papich Construction Company Is requesting quotations from all qualified DBE Sub-contractors and Material suppliers for the following project:
Agency: Inyo County Public Works Department | County Project No. TR-11-019
Project: Walker Creek Road Across Los Angeles Aqueduct Bridge Replacement Project
Plans & Specs:
DBE Goal: 15%
Bid Date: Tuesday, August 23, 2024, at 3:30 PM
Please submit all bids by 1:00 PM on 8/23/2024
The estimated cost of construction is between $2,500,000.00 and $2,600,000.00
Location: Near Olancha, located 0.6 miles west of the intersection of Walker Creek Road and Highway 395, 1.6 miles south of Olancha, CA . The site is at approximately 7,200 ft elevation.
The project scope includes, but is not limited to the construction of a new single span precast-prestressed voided slab bridge on short seat abutments and spread footings over the concrete lined Los Angeles Aqueduct and includes: placing construction Area Signs, implementing SWPPP, placing erosion control measures, installing temporary Desert Tortoise Fencing around the project limits, clearing and grubbing, removal of Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP) patrol road fencing, constructing new patrol road embankments at all four bridge corners, constructing road embankments for the realigned Walker Creek Road, paving, installing cattle guard, installing CA Type ST-75 concrete curb and steel bridge rail with 7-foot tall chain link fencing, obliterating the existing alignment of Walker Creek Road, and hydroseeding. Vehicular traffic will use the existing Walker Creek bridge during construction. The existing bridge will remain in place after construction.
Estimating Dept.
Quotes for Services and Supplies requested for the following items for bid including, but not limited to: Construction Staking, Resident Engineers Field Office, Develop Water Supply, Fire Prevention Plan, Construction Area Signs, Traffic Control System, Type Iii Barricade, Job Site Management, Prepare Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan, Storm Water Sampling And Analysis Day, Storm Water Annual Report, Temporary Reinforced Silt Fence, Temporary Construction Entrance, , Temporary Concrete Washout, Contractor Supplied Archaeologist, Contractor-Supplied Biologist (Ls), Contractor Supplied Paleontologist, Clearing And Grubbing (Ls), Roadway Excavation, Structure Excavation (Bridge), Structure Backfill (Bridge), Imported Borrow (Cy), Fiber Rolls, Hydroseed, Class 2 Aggregate Base (Cy), Hot Mix Asphalt (Type A), Structural Concrete, Bridge Footing, Structural Concrete, Bridge, Structural Concrete, Bridge (Polymer Fiber), Structural Concrete, Approach Slab (Type Eq, Modified), Drill And Bond Dowel (Chemical Adhesive)(Lf), Furnish Precast Prestressed Concrete Slab (Type Siv), , , Erect Precast, Prestressed Concrete Girder, Joint Seal (Mr 1 1/2"), Bar Reinforcing Steel (Bridge), , Bar Reinforcing Steel (Epoxy Coated), 36" Reinforced Concrete Pipe, 36" Concrete Flared End Section, Rock Slope Protection (150 Lb, Class Iii, Method B) (Cy), Rock Slope Protection (60 Lb, Class Ii, Method B) (Cy), Boulders, Rock Slope Protection Fabric (Class 8), , Metal Cattle Guard, Obliterate Surfacing, Remove Fence, Temporary Desert Tortoise Fence, California St-75 Bridge Rail(Mod), Crash Cushion (Quadguard M10, Tl-2), Mobilization
Requirements: At the time of the bid, all subcontractors must possess a valid and relevant California Contractors License, a valid DIR registration number, meet the project’s minimum insurance requirements, and be 100% bondable. All subcontractor, supplier, and trucking proposals must be in strict accordance with the project plans, specifications, and any addenda issued. In addition, all Supplier and Subcontractors will be required to execute Papich’s standard subcontract or purchase order agreement (available upon request). Waiver of Subrogation will be required. Papich is a signatory contractor and will require a one-time job agreement for any non-union Subcontractors. Submission of a proposal shall constitute subcontractor, supplier, or trucker acceptance of all terms as listed above. Any attempted deviation or revision to said terms shall not be recognized by Papich. Papich can offer DBE firms assistance with bidding this contract including but not limited to: reducing items of work into smaller scopes, providing reimbursement for payment/performance bond premiums, and providing assistance obtaining materials. All requests for assistance must be made prior to the project bid date. Additionally, DBE firms must possess a valid and current certification to be considered for this contract. Questions concerning above requirements should be directed to our office prior to submission of a proposal.
Heavy Civil | Oil & Gas | Power | Site Development | Transportation
398 Sunrise Terrace | Arroyo Grande, CA 93420
Phone: 805-473-3016 Fax: 805-481-5966 |