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City of San Diego SLBE - ELBE Program


Minority Business Development Agency

Advertisement date December 4th, 2024 @ 2:55 p.m. through bid opening date

Schreder & Brandt is currently seeking qualified DBE sub-contractors and/or suppliers for:
Project: Sharp Park PDA Pedestrian Improvement Project
Agency: City of Pacifica | CML 5350(026)
Location: San Mateo County, CA
Bid Date: December 10, 2024, at 2:00 PM
Plans & Specs: https://procurement.opengov.com/portal/cityofpacifica/projects/91759

General work description: The project includes ADA concrete improvements including sidewalk, driveways, curb & gutter, slurry seal, spot repair, base repair, pavement striping and markings and other miscellaneous related work on 6 blocks in the West Sharp Park Neighborhood. The Project limits include Paloma Ave, Carmel Ave, and Santa Maria Ave between Beach Blvd to Palmetto Ave, and between Palmetto Ave to Francisco Blvd.

Please submit bids by email to bid@schrederandbrandt.com or fax at (530)899‐2683.

Quotes for Services and Supplies requested for the following items for bid including, but not limited to: Clearing, Grubbing And Environmental Protection, Traffic Control And Construction Area Signs, Portable Changeable Message Signs(Pcms), Adjust Service Water Meter Box And Cover To Grade, Adjust Service Sanitary Sewer, Cleanout Box And Cover To Grade (City), Adjust Sanitary Sewer Manhole Frame And Cover To Grade (City), Adjust Service Irrigation Valve Box And Cover To Grade (City), Adjust Monitoring Well Box And Cover To Grade, Adjust Service Street Light Box And Cover To Grade (City), Remove And Reset Curb Drain , Remove And Dispose Curb Drain , Standard Curb & Gutter , Curb & Gutter @ Driveway , Sidewalk Pcc Curb Ramp , Pcc Curb Ramp Bulb-Out  Driveway , Trough Drain And Grating  Planter Area , Tree Protection, Remove 4 Trees And Grind Stumps(24-Inch Dbh Or Greater), Furnish And Plant 6 - 24-Inch Box Trees, 24 Hot-Mix Asphalt Base Repair (3-Inch Depth), Hot-Mix Asphalt Plug For Concrete Improvements (Full Depth), Unsuitable Subgrade Over-Excavation (Revocable Item), Spot Repair (Type Iii Microsurfacing) , Crack Sealing 1 Ls, Polymer Modified Type Ii Slurry Seal , Polymer Modified Type Iii Slurry Seal , Remove Thermoplastic Markings , Striping, Lane Markers, And Delineators, Thermoplastic Striping, Blue Fire Hydrant Pavement Markers

Schreder & Brandt is an Equal Opportunity Employer. We will assist with obtaining bonding, lines of credit, and insurance. The US Small Business Administration may assist you in obtaining bonding ‐ please visit: http://www.sba.gov/content/contractors# for additional information, the local Small Business Development Center Network ( www.californiasbdc.org ) and/or the Minority Business Development Center ( www.mbda.gov). Subcontractors must possess a current contractor’s license, insurance, workers compensation and be registered with a current DIR number. Please let Schreder & Brandt know if you plan to bid on this project by emailing bid@schrederandbrandt.com or by completing and returning the attached response form.

Thank You,
Schreder & Brandt
P.O. Box 6310, Chico , CA 95927
Phone: 530-899-1104 / Fax : 530-899-2683

Published by Contractor’s Estimate, Inc.
Located at http://www.contractorsestimate.com

This advertisement will run through the bid date.



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