Griffith Company Requests Sub-bids from All Qualified & Certified DBE Subcontractors/Suppliers for:
Contracting Agency: Caltrans – Project No. 11-430194
Project: Construction on State Highway In In District 11 on Route 15 Construction On State Highway in San Diego From 0.2 Mile South of Route 5/15 Separation To 0.4 Mile South of Route 52/15 Separation
Scope of Services: Culvert restoration, tunnel CO monitoring system, & ADA ramp.
Bids open Thursday, January 16th, 2025 @ 2:00 PM
Estimate: $16,800,000
DBE Goal: 22%
***Addendum 1-4 have been issued***
Plans & Specs can be viewed for free online at: https://ppmoe.dot.ca.gov/des/oe/weekly-ads/oe-project.php?q=11-430194
Quotes for Services and Supplies requested for the following items for bid including, but not limited to: Lead Compliance Plan, Time-Related Overhead (Ls), Dispute Resolution Board On-Site Meeting, Hourly Off-Site Dispute-Resolution- Board-Related Tasks, Construction Area Signs, Traffic Control System, Stationary Impact Attenuator Vehicle, Flashing Arrow Sign, Traffic Cone, Type Iii Barricade, Temporary Pavement Marking (Paint), Temporary Traffic Stripe (Paint), Channelizer (Surface Mounted), Traffic Drum, Temporary Pavement Marker, Temporary Barrier System, Temporary Pedestrian Access Route, Portable Changeable Message Sign (Ea), Temporary Crash Cushion Module, Temporary Crash Cushion Tl-2, Temporary Crash Cushion Tl-3, Temporary Traffic Screen, Job Site Management, Water Pollution Control Program, Temporary Drainage Inlet Protection, Temporary Fiber Roll, Temporary Construction Entrance, Street Sweeping, Temporary Concrete Washout, Manage Solid Waste Generated By The Public, Treated Wood Waste, Temporary Protection Fence (Rope), Roadside Clearing, Weed Germination, Cultivation, Iron Sulfate (Lb), Soil Amendment, Slow-Release Fertilizer, Mycorrhizae Inoculant, Plant (Group H), Plant (Group M), Plant (Group A), Plant (Group B), Plant (Group U), Maintain Existing Planted Areas, Plant Establishment Work, Wood Mulch, Check And Test Existing Irrigation Facilities, Control And Neutral Conductors, 1" Remote Control Valve, 1 1/2" Remote Control Valve, 2" Remote Control Valve, Battery Powered Irrigation Controller, Recycled Water Identification And Warning Signs, Tree Well Sprinkler Assembly, Riser Sprinkler Assembly (Gear Driven), Pop-Up Sprinkler Assembly (Gear Driven), 1 1/2" Gate Valve, 2" Gate Valve, (F) - 1" Plastic Pipe (Schedule 40) (Supply Line), (F) - 1 1/4" Plastic Pipe (Schedule 40) (Supply Line), (F) - 1 1/2" Plastic Pipe (Schedule 40) (Supply Line), (F) - 2" Plastic Pipe (Schedule 40) (Supply Line), Hydromulch, Hydroseed, Compost (Cy), Incorporate Materials, Class 4 Aggregate Subbase, Class 2 Aggregate Base (Cy), Cement Treated Base (Road-Mixed, Class A) (Cy), Asphaltic Emulsion (Fog Seal Coat), Replace Asphalt Concrete Surfacing, Hot Mix Asphalt (Type A), Place Hot Mix Asphalt Dike (Type C), Place Hot Mix Asphalt Dike (Type E), Place Hot Mix Asphalt Dike (Type F), Tack Coat, Remove Asphalt Concrete Dike, (F) - Structural Concrete, Drainage Inlet, (F) - Structural Concrete, Junction Structure, (F) - Minor Concrete (Minor Structure), 18" Reinforced Concrete Pipe, 24" Reinforced Concrete Pipe, 48" Reinforced Concrete Pipe, 48" Reinforced Concrete Pipe Trenchless Installation Method, 18" Polymeric Sheet Coated Slotted Corrugated Steel Pipe (.064" Thick), 24" Polymeric Sheet Coated Slotted Corrugated Steel Pipe (.064" Thick), 24" Polymeric Sheet Coated Corrugated Steel Pipe Downdrain (0.109" Thick), 36" Corrugated Steel Pipe Riser (.109" Thick), 48" Concrete Flared End Section, 36" Precast Concrete Pipe Inlet, 48" Precast Concrete Pipe Riser, Grout Joints, Abandon Culvert (Lf), Remove Pipe (Lf), Remove Inlet, Cleaning, Inspecting, And Preparing Culvert (Lf), Sand Backfill, 30" Cementitious Pipeliner, 36" Cementitious Pipeliner, Concrete (Concrete Apron), Detectable Warning Surface, Minor Concrete (Curb, Sidewalk And Curb Ramp), Remove Concrete Sidewalk (Sqyd), Remove Concrete (Curb And Gutter), Pre/Post Construction Surveys, (F) - Miscellaneous Iron And Steel, Pavement Marker (Retroreflective), Remove Roadside Sign (Wood Post), Remove Roadside Sign (Metal Post), Remove Roadside Sign (Strap And Saddle Bracket Method), Furnish Laminated Panel Sign (1"-Type A), Furnish Single Sheet Aluminum Sign (0.063"-Unframed), Furnish Single Sheet Aluminum Sign (0.080"-Unframed), Furnish Single Sheet Aluminum Sign (0.063"-Framed), Furnish Single Sheet Aluminum Sign (0.080"-Framed), Roadside Sign - One Post, Roadside Sign - Two Post, Install Sign (Strap And Saddle Bracket Method), Install Sign (Mast-Arm Hanger Method), Install Sign Panel On Existing Frame, Install Roadside Sign Panel On Existing Post, Midwest Guardrail System, Concrete Barrier (Type 50), Transition Railing (Type Agt), Alternative In-Line Terminal Tl-3, Remove Guardrail, Reconstruct Guardrail, Remove Concrete Barrier (Type 50), Thermoplastic Pavement Marking, Preformed Thermoplastic Pavement Marking, 6" Thermoplastic Traffic Stripe (Enhanced Wet Night Visibility) (Broken 6- 1), 6" Thermoplastic Traffic Stripe (Enhanced Wet Night Visibility) (Broken 17-7), 6" Thermoplastic Traffic Stripe (Enhanced Wet Night Visibility) (Broken 36-12), 6" Thermoplastic Traffic Stripe (Enhanced Wet Night Visibility), 6" Thermoplastic Traffic Stripe (Enhanced Wet Night Visibility) (Broken 8- 4), 8" Thermoplastic Traffic Stripe (Enhanced Wet Night Visibility), 8" Thermoplastic Traffic Stripe (Enhanced Wet Night Visibility) (Broken 12-3), Remove Thermoplastic Traffic Stripe, Remove Thermoplastic Pavement Marking, 8" Traffic Stripe Tape With Contrast (Warranty) (Broken 12-3), Contrast Stripe Thermoplastic, 6" Traffic Stripe Tape With Contrast (Warranty), 6" Traffic Stripe Tape With Contrast (Warranty) (Broken 17-7), 6" Traffic Stripe Tape With Contrast (Warranty) (Broken 36-12), 8" Traffic Stripe Tape With Contrast (Warranty), Maintaining Existing Traffic Management System Elements During Construction, Modifying Fiber Optic Cable Systems, Modifying Signal And Lighting Systems, Modifying Ramp Metering Systems, Modifying Traffic Monitoring Stations, Building Work, Mobilization
Requirements: Griffith Company is signatory to Operating Engineers, Laborers, Teamsters, Cement Masons, and Carpenters Unions. 100% performance and payment bonds required for the full amount of the subcontract price. Subcontractors must possess a current contractor’s license, insurance and worker’s compensation insurance coverage meeting Griffith’s requirements. A copy of the insurance requirements and agreements can be obtained by contacting the Estimator. Please call if you need assistance in obtaining bonding, insurance, equipment, materials, and/or supplies. Griffith Company intends to work cooperatively with all qualified firms seeking work on this project. Griffith Company is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Griffith Company will work with interested subcontractors to identify opportunities to break down items into economically feasible packages.
Griffith Company
CA Contractors License #88
13400 Sabre Springs Parkway, Suite 200, San Diego, Ca. 92128
Phone: 858-727-3502 Fax: 562-864-8970 |