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Minority Business Development Agency

Advertisement date December 18, 2024 @ 12:16 p.m. through bid opening date

Balfour Beatty Infrastructure, Inc. an Equal Opportunity Employer, is requesting sub-bids from all qualified subcontractors and suppliers, including certified DBE firms performing a commercially useful function, for the following project.

Project Name: Orange Line (OL) Phase 1 Construction IFB
Agency: San Diego Metropolitan Transit System | Job No. PWL409.1-25
Engineers Estimate: $27,974,757.19
Bids open February 6, 2025, at 2:00 PM (PST)

***Addendums 1-8 have been issued***

Estimator: Tino Mendoza  
Phone Number: (909) 770-7020
Fax: (909) 392-0478
Plans & Specs are available for review at our office or at https://vendors.planetbids.com/portal/14771/bo/bo-search

Quotes for Services and Supplies requested for the following items for bid including, but not limited to:  Reinforcing Steel, Structural Concrete, Handrails And Railings, Pedestrian Swing Gates, Detectable Warning Panels, Painting And Coatings, Railroad Signage, Site Clearing, Demolition, Cutting And Patching, Excavation And Fill, Excavation Support, Trench Resurfacing, Aggregate Base, Hot Mix Asphalt Paving, Curbs, Gutters And Sidewalks, Pavement Markings, Chain Link Fencing And Gates, Gravity Block Retaining Walls, Culvert And Drainage Pipe, Track Rails, Thermite-Welded Track Rail, Track Rail Joints, Track Rail Ballast, Sub-Ballast And Aggregate Base, Timber Track Cross Ties, Precast Concrete Grade Crossing Panels, Track Appurtenances And Accessories, Highway-Rail Grade Crossings, Rail Track Removal, Railway Line Construction, Special Trackwork Construction, Track Shifting And Resurfacing, Hot Mix Asphalt For Track And Bridges, Ocs Foundations And Down Guy Anchor Foundations, Ocs Steel Structures, Metal Fabrications, And, Miscellaneous Metals, Metal Ocs Poles, Ocs Supporting Devices, Galvanized Steel Wire, Ocs Lightning Arrestors, Ocs Insulator, Ocs Section Insulator Assemblies, Ocs Fittings And Hardware, Ocs Disconnect Switches, Ocs Uninsulated Conductors And Cables, Overhead Contact System Installation, Ocs Testing, Transportation Signaling And Control, Spare Parts, Route Control Equipment, Battery And Charging Equipment, Track Circuits, Instrument Enclosures, Signal System Grounding, Relays, Miscellaneous Signal System Products, Switch And Lock Movement, Wayside Signal Assembly, Rail Bonding, Highway Grade Crossing Warning System, Painting And Galvanizing, Block Signal Highway Grade Crossing Warning, Systems Testing, Abandonment, Demolition, Removal And Disposal Of, Existing Signal System Facilities, Train Control Wire And Cable, Vital Logic Controller, Railway Control Equipment, Signal System Fiber Optic Network, Service Meters

Terry Lim is the Estimator for this project and is available to provide you with assistance to clarify any questions regarding the scope of work, including interpretation of plans, specifications, and requirements, bid preparation and obtaining bonds, lines of credit, insurance and any technical assistance. Please call if you need assistance with: bonding, lines of credit, insurance, obtaining necessary equipment, supplies, materials, or any related services. Balfour Beatty Infrastructure, Inc.is willing to breakdown items into economical feasible packages. Include with your bid the Time required for Performance of your work and any Delivery Schedules so that we can establish a Flexible Timeframe for your work to help encourage and facilitate participation. Balfour Beatty Infrastructure, Inc. Intends to work cooperatively with all qualified firms seeking work on this project. Bids/proposals from small businesses, minority-owned, disabled, veteran-owned businesses, women- owned businesses are strongly encouraged. Balfour Beatty Infrastructure encourages larger contracts to subcontract with smaller firms and encourages contracting with a group of firms when the contract is too large for one firm. Please provide your contractor's license #, and DIR with your quote.

Balfour Beatty Infrastructure, Inc.
License No. : 664318
5000 East Spring Street, Ste. 360
Long Beach, CA  90815-5226
Phone: 909-268-3985

Published by Contractor’s Estimate, Inc.
Located at http://www.contractorsestimate.com

This advertisement will run through the bid date.



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