Armstrong Cal Builders Inc. An Equal Opportunity Employer is seeking qualified DVBE subcontractors, suppliers for
Caltrans No. 08-1J3204 |
Construction on State Highway In Riverside County Near Lake Elsinore At Lake Elsinore Maintenance Station At 18745 Conard Avenue |
General work description: Building work, wrought iron fence, hot mix asphalt, & aggregate base. |
Plans & Specs: https://ppmoe.dot.ca.gov/des/oe/weekly-ads/oe-project.php?q=08-1J3204 |
Engineers Estimate: $7,000,000 |
* DVBE participation incentive up to $250,000. * Small Business Preference applies.5% SBE Requirement * |
Bids open Tuesday, January 7, 2025 @ 2:00 p.m. |
Please see the NIB or Specification section for the subcontractor’s prequalification requirements.
Quotes for Services and Supplies requested for the following items for bid including, but not limited to: Time-Related Overhead (Wday), Dispute Resolution Advisor On-Site Meeting, Hourly Off-Site Dispute-Resolution-Advisor-Related Tasks, Construction Area Signs, Traffic Control System, Stationary Impact Attenuator Vehicle, Temporary Pedestrian Access Route, Portable Changeable Message Sign (Ea), Job Site Management, Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan, Storm Water Sampling And Analysis Day, Storm Water Annual Report, Temporary Soil Binder, Temporary Drainage Inlet Protection, Temporary Fiber Roll, Temporary Gravel Bag Berm, Temporary Silt Fence, Temporary Construction Entrance, Temporary Concrete Washout, Adl Burial Location Report, Treated Wood Waste, Contractor-Supplied Biologist (Ls), Temporary High-Visibility Fence, Clearing And Grubbing (Ls), Roadway Excavation, Roadway Excavation (Type R-1) (Aerially Deposited Lead), Roadside Clearing, Rock Blanket, Slow-Release Fertilizer, Plant (Group K), Plant (Group A), Plant (Group B), Maintain Existing Planted Areas, Plant Establishment Work, Decomposed Granite, Wood Mulch, Remove Irrigation Facility, Control And Neutral Conductors (Armor-Clad), 1" Remote Control Valve, 1 1/2" Remote Control Valve, 2" Wye Strainer Assembly, 16-18 Station Irrigation Controller (Wall Mounted), 2" Copper Pipe (Supply Line), 2" Backflow Preventer Assembly, Backflow Preventer Enclosure, Flow Sensor, Tree Well Sprinkler Assembly, Riser Sprinkler Assembly, 2" Gate Valve, 3/4" Plastic Pipe (Schedule 40) (Supply Line), 1" Plastic Pipe (Schedule 40) (Supply Line), 1 1/4" Plastic Pipe (Schedule 40) (Supply Line), 1 1/2" Plastic Pipe (Schedule 40) (Supply Line), 2" Plastic Pipe (Schedule 40) (Supply Line), Pressure Regulating Valve, Quick Coupling Valve, 12" Corrugated High Density Polyethylene Pipe Conduit, Dry Seed (Sqft), Bonded Fiber Matrix (Sqft), Compost (Cy), Incorporate Materials, Class 2 Aggregate Base (Cy), Prime Coat, Hot Mix Asphalt (Type A), Place Hot Mix Asphalt Dike (Type A), Place Hot Mix Asphalt (Miscellaneous Area), Tack Coat, Remove Asphalt Concrete Pavement (Cy), Remove Asphalt Concrete Dike, Remove Asphalt Concrete Surfacing, Infiltration Trench, Modify Drainage Facility, Rock Slope Protection (20 Lb, Class I, Method B) (Cy), Rock Slope Protection Fabric (Class 8), Detectable Warning Surface, Minor Concrete (Miscellaneous Construction), Minor Concrete (Concrete Mow Strip), Minor Concrete (Curb, Sidewalk And Curb Ramp), Remove Curb, Remove Concrete (Curb And Gutter), Remove Concrete (Curb, Gutter, And Sidewalk) (Cy), Pre/Post Construction Surveys, Parking Bumper (Precast Concrete), Wrought Iron Fence, Wrought Iron Gate, Remove Chain Link Fence, Remove Gate, (F) - Wrought Iron Cantilever Gate (Sliding), Remove Roadside Sign (Wood Post), Remove Roadside Sign (Metal Post), Furnish Single Sheet Aluminum Sign (0.063"-Unframed), Furnish Single Sheet Aluminum Sign (0.080"-Unframed), Metal (Roadside Sign), Roadside Sign - One Post, Roadside Sign - Two Post, Thermoplastic Traffic Stripe, Thermoplastic Pavement Marking (Enhanced Wet Night Visibility), 6" Thermoplastic Traffic Stripe (Enhanced Wet Night Visibility), Modifying Signal And Lighting Systems, Building Work
Armstrong Cal Builders Inc. requires 100% Performance & Payment Bonds. If requested, and as Armstrong Cal Builders Inc. way of assisting subs in obtaining bonds, lines of credit and insurance in the preparation of this project, we can initiate introduction to agents known to us. Armstrong Cal Builders Inc. can also assist in obtaining equipment, supplies, materials or related assistance or services in the preparation of this project. Armstrong Cal Builders Inc. is relying on the price submitted in a subcontractor's proposal as an all-inclusive price for its trade scope found in the plans, specifications, and addenda regardless of any qualifying language in the proposal. Armstrong Cal Builders Inc. listing of a subcontractor is not an acceptance of any or all of that subcontractor's conditions, qualifications, exclusions or exceptions included in the subcontractor's bid proposal. The subcontractor agrees that its bid will remain valid for the same period of time that the prime contractor's bid must remain valid with the owner, as specified in the project's specifications.
Each listed subcontractor must execute Armstrong Cal Builders Inc. standard subcontract agreement if Armstrong Cal Builders Inc. is awarded the project; the standard subcontract is available for review at Armstrong Cal Builders Inc. office. At the discretion of Armstrong Cal Builders Inc. any listed subcontractor that withdraws its bid after Armstrong Cal Builders Inc. submits its bid to the owner will be responsible for the difference in price for such scope of work charged by the replacement subcontractor. Include with your bid the Time required for Performance of your work and any Delivery Schedules so that we can establish a Flexible Timeframe for your work.
This is a prevailing wage project. If this project is subject to a Project Labor Agreement or Project Stabilization Agreement, you will be required to honor the terms of such agreement.
Commercial & Residential Construction, Design Build
3130 E. Willow Street, Signal Hill, Ca 90755
Office: 800‐291‐7203
License No.: B 990992
An Equal Opportunity Employer |