On behalf of Angotti & Reilly, Inc. we invite your firm to BID the following San Francisco Unified School Districtproject, per the specification and drawings.
San Francisco Unified School District
Aptos MS, Bessie MS, Everett MS, & Francisco MS – PA System Upgrades Package 4A
Bid Date: JANUARY 8, 2025 2:00 P.M.
In order to allow ample time to review your proposal, please ensure your BID proposal is received no later than 11AM on the day of the bid due date, JANUARY 8, 2025. Send BID proposal and any questions to estimating@angotti-reilly.com attention of JAMES REILLY.
The Project is generally described as including but not limited to:
Public Address System Upgrades including associated cabling, integrated clock-bell devices, wall speakers, exterior speakers and head-end equipment.
The estimated construction is $3,600,000.00
Prevailing Wage: The work described is pursuant to California Labor Codes 1770 and 1771.
If you are unable to review the Specifications, Drawings or Addendum on the BidMail website, please contact us at estimating@angotti-reilly.com Thank you and we look forward to your BID proposal.
2200 Jerrold Ave, Suite E
SF CA, 94124
415.575.3700 OFFICE
415.575.1470 FAX
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