License No. 626859
5400 Hanna Ranch Road Novato, CA 94945
Phone: 415.456.8972 Fax: 415.459.0665
THOMPSON BUILDERS CORPORATION is requesting bids from ALL subcontractors, suppliers & truckers, but ESPECIALLY LBE/SBA-LBE/Micro Subcontractors, suppliers & truckers for the following project:
Name: Sunol Valley Water Treatment Plant Short Term Improvements
Owner: San Francisco Public Utility Commission
Bid Date: 1/16/2025 at 2pm
Est: $45,000,000-$50,000,000
Goals: Total: 14.85%
•11% LBE plus Small/Micro and/or SBA-LBE firms(Break down for Micro/small LBE= 4.90% MBE, 1.80% WBE, 4.30% OBE
Box Link: https://tpcorp.box.com/s/b3zmt9f8bkew43gi16tpzbkppxr52o8p
The objective of the project is to improve several treatment systems at the Sunol Valley Water Treatment Plant. This includes repair of sediment and flocculant basin concrete; replacement of sludge removal equipment, channel and filter valves, cationic polymer system, and sample pumps; and installation of chemical piping. In addition, a new utility water pump station will be installed to support the facility. The work is to be performed in Alameda County, California.
Quotes for Services and Supplies requested for the following items for bid including, but not limited to: Selective Structure Demolition, Concrete, Metals, Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic, Coating And Lining, Bird Control Systems, Pipe Identification, Electrical, Low Voltage Electrical, Communications, Excavation, Backfill And Compaction (Structural), Process Interconnections, Chemical Metering Pumps And Appurtenances, Progressive Cavity Pumps, Regenerative Turbine Pumps, Temporary Cationic Polymer Chemical Feed Pumps, Shafted Screw Conveyor Sludge Collectors, Below Grade Waterproofing System, Metal Railings, Post-Installed Anchors And Reinforcing Bars, Painting And Coating, Signage, Electric-Drive, Vertical-Turbine Fire Pumps, Video Surveillance, Site Clearing, Soils And Aggregates For Earthwork, Asphalt Paving, Concrete Paving, Hydroseeding, Aggregate Base Courses, Utilities, Gate Valves, Pipe Supplier.
See plans and specs for complete list of bid items.
We are signatory to both the Carpenters Collective Bargaining Agreement and the Laborers Collective Bargaining Agreement. Certification of insurance for General Liability and Workers’ Compensation are required. A Waiver of Subrogation will also be required with all Subcontract Agreements. Subcontractors’ faithful performance and payment bonds in the amount of the subcontract price will be required. Reasonable market rate bond premium will be reimbursed by Thompson Builders Corporation.
TBC is willing to discuss breaking down bid items into economically feasible units for minority participation. Our estimating department is available for assistance with bonding, lines of credit, insurance, equipment, supplies and/or materials. The Small Business Administration (www.sba.gov ), the California Dept. of General Services (www.dgs.ca.gov) and U.S. Dept. of Transportation Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization (www.osdbu.dot.gov ) may also be able to offer financial assistance and/or information regarding insurance and bonding. Small businesses including DBE/WBE/MBEs are encouraged to look at Caltrans California Construction Contracting Program Website for possible bonding assistance.
Thompson Builders Corporation
an Equal Opportunity Employer
Contact: Kelsey Heaphy
PHONE: (415) 456-8972 FAX: (415) 459-0665
EMAIL: bids@tbcorp.com |