Armstrong Cal Builders Inc. an equal opportunity employer, is requesting quotes from all qualified SLBE and ELBE Sub-contractors and suppliers for the following project:
Project Name: South De Anza Park Improvements
Bid No.: Invitation # K-25-2349-DBB-3
Bid Due 01/15/2025 2:00 PM (PDT)
Owner: City of San Diego
Estimated Bid Value: $9,440,000.00.
SLBE participation 8.1% & ELBE participation 9.5%
Total mandatory participation 17.6%
Scope of Services: The project scope includes accessible cast-in-place concrete paving, accessible playground and playground surfacing, comfort station, lighting, basketball courts, planting, irrigation, stormwater, trash enclosure, site furnishings, and other items.
***Addendum 1 has been issued***
Plans & Specs are available at no cost to interested SLBE-ELBE firms. They can be downloaded for free at:
https://pbsystem.planetbids.com/portal/17950/bo/bo-search Additionally, Plans & Specifications are available for viewing at our office or may obtained from the Owner. Portions may be emailed upon request.
Quotes for Services and Supplies requested for the following NAICS codes:
91200 - Construction Services, General (Incl. Maintenance And Repair Services)
91300 - Construction Services, Heavy (Incl. Maintenance And Repair Services)
91400 - Construction Services, Trade (New Construction)
236220 - Commercial and Institutional Building Construction
237310 - Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction
238990 - All Other Specialty Trade Contractors
541330 - Engineering Services
524126 - Direct Property and Casualty Insurance Carriers
237110 - Water and Sewer Line and Related Structures Construction
Armstrong Cal Builders Inc. requires 100% Performance & Payment Bonds. If requested, and as Armstrong Cal Builders Inc. way of assisting subs in obtaining bonds, lines of credit and insurance in the preparation of this project, we can initiate introduction to agents known to us. Armstrong Cal Builders Inc. can also assist in obtaining equipment, supplies, materials or related assistance or services in the preparation of this project. Armstrong Cal Builders Inc. is relying on the price submitted in a subcontractor's proposal as an all-inclusive price for its trade scope found in the plans, specifications, and addenda regardless of any qualifying language in the proposal. Armstrong Cal Builders Inc. listing of a subcontractor is not an acceptance of any or all of that subcontractor's conditions, qualifications, exclusions or exceptions included in the subcontractor's bid proposal. The subcontractor agrees that its bid will remain valid for the same period of time that the prime contractor's bid must remain valid with the owner, as specified in the project's specifications.
Each listed subcontractor must execute Armstrong Cal Builders Inc. standard subcontract agreement if Armstrong Cal Builders Inc. is awarded the project; the standard subcontract is available for review at Armstrong Cal Builders Inc. office. At the discretion of Armstrong Cal Builders Inc. any listed subcontractor that withdraws its bid after Armstrong Cal Builders Inc. submits its bid to the owner will be responsible for the difference in price for such scope of work charged by the replacement subcontractor. Include with your bid the Time required for Performance of your work and any Delivery Schedules so that we can establish a Flexible Timeframe for your work.
This is a prevailing wage project. If this project is subject to a Project Labor Agreement or Project Stabilization Agreement, you will be required to honor the terms of such agreement.
Commercial & Residential Construction, Design Build
3130 E. Willow Street, Signal Hill, Ca 90755
Office: 800‐291‐7203
License No.: B 990992
An Equal Opportunity Employer |